Learn To Play (More Info)
The LEARN TO PLAY program is a skills development program for young players from 3 to 6 years of age. The object of the program is to teach all participants ball hockey skills while having fun. Repetition is used weekly to allow all participants the opportunity to understand what we are teaching and then practice the drills thereby developing basic playing skills. All skills taught must be demonstrated very slowly and players must completely understand the movements required to master a skill. We will make sure to have the child perform each drill as slowly as necessary so they can develop the mechanical movements to master the skill. As the child learns to properly do each movement they will naturally speed up.
All Learn to Play programs are one (1) hour long
0 - 5 minutes - Warm-up
Kids warm up on their own leisure, shooting balls and stretching
5 - 40 minutes - Four station drills
Group breaks into 4 teams and rotate through the four stations
Each drill station is set up in a different corner of the arena
All the players do the drill as slow as necessary to use proper techniques
40 - 60 minutes - Scrimmage
Two mini-games sideways with two teams at each end
Station # 1 Running without the ball
Frontwards, Backwards, Sideways and around the face-off circle (Cutting)
Skills to be taught: safety (keep sticks on the floor) balance (proper running technique)
Every player runs from the icing line to the blue line twice in each frontwards, backwards and sideways. A short break between each run to rest. Each player has to complete each of the drills above twice. Each player will then run around the face-off circle once each first clockwise and then counter clockwise.
Station # 2 Shooting
Wrist Shot and Backhand
Two nets are set up and the group divides into two lines. Five balls per player. Each player shoots the ball five times then move to the back of the line. After each player has shot once switch to backhand and repeat.
Station # 3 Passing
Forehand and Backhand
Two lines are formed of players facing each other and the players pass the ball back and forth. Work on proper passing technique for both forehand and backhand passes.
Station # 4 Cone Drill
Two lines of cones are placed side by side about 10 feet apart. Cones are spaced about about 10 feet apart in each row. Players stick handle around the cones by going up one side and down the other Teach proper stick handling technique. Players go as slow as needed to control the ball.
Learn to Play - 4 vs 4 with Skill Development: This program, for kids ages 4 to 6, is a great opportunity for players with more developed skills to continue learning while preparing for House League play (15 minute skill development, 45 min 4 vs 4 game). Please choose Learn to Play - 4v4 at registration.